Monday, November 8, 2010


My group discussion helped me by answering questions that were really hard to answer for my group and I.

One main idea was that he had to survive in the woods by himself. This is important because he probably had not been stranded in the woods before alone, and this is the major conflict in the novel. Another main idea would be family problems, because he wants to tell his father that his mom was cheating on him with another man and he can't because he is stuck in the woods. This is important to the novel because it's another one of Brian's major issues.

I had to think about some of the questions in the novel a bit more, like why Brian ate the cherries without taking the pits out. during the discussion we talked a little about why he did what he did and we came up with one answer: he was too hungry to care.

I think that Brian will find his way out of the woods and find his father and tell him about the secret. I also think that he will run into some problems on the way, such as wolves and maybe he will run out of food. Also because it is summer and animals will have young disciples that the mothers will want to protect. Soon it will be autumn and this will cause problems for Brian because it will get colder. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lines of Symmetry

This buiulding is called the Menara. There is one line of symmetry here. The line of symmetry in this building is straight down the middle from top to bottom.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Favorite part of the trip to kuala selangor

My favorite part of this trip was when we saw the fireflies. This was my favorite part of the trip because I liked the setting and the yellow glow of the fireflies. I also like seeing
It was pitch black. The only thing you could see was the moon and its halo around it until we saw a faint glow on something shaped like a tree. soon there was not one glow there was two then three then four and before you knew it there were a hole bunch of yellow glowing things. The yellow glow was fireflies. I knew this because before we got on a boat the guide on the deck told that you will see lots of fireflies on trees on this trip. When there was no fireflies in site I looked up at the moon and pondered why was there a halo around the moon. Me and my group told spooky stories and sometimes Rosie would curl up in a ball and say nothing. The thing that I was most curios about on some trees sometimes were no fireflies. The rest of the trip was good and I liked it allot but the thing that I would do again was seeing the fireflies. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

deep water soloing

In Kraby I was jumping off rocks that stuck out into the ocean. As I climbed up onto a ledge that stuck out from the rock, I realized that I must be at least 40-50 feet in the air. I was hesitating to jump because it looked like you would just go splat on the surface of the water but the only way to get down was to jump. So eventually I had to show courage because jumping was the only way to get down and I did not want to be stuck up there for ever and ever and ever. As I jumped I probably was in the air for at least 3 seconds and when I hit the water it felt like putting your hand into a bucket of cold water and leaving it to rise up on its own. The climb to get to that height was not very hard it was at least a 5A which is a ladder basically.

When I jumped it felt like my heart flew up into my mouth and my stomach reached my chest. It was the weirdest feeling in my entire life. After that I was not afraid to jump into the water from 45-50 feet high but it was still scary to do it a second time and even a third time. Each time I did it I went higher and higher so my highest jump was around 55 feet or so and at that height I was hesitant to leap off of the ridge and into the crystal clear water.

That experience was breath-taking but it changed my fear of heights a bit. It changed the bit of jumping into the ocean from a high ridge or ledge it also changed my fear of falling on a ledge that stuck out from the rock a few feet. I still don't like to climb high routs and even high bouldering routs I prefer to climb routs that are under 250 feet of 80-100 m routs I am not the kind of guy that likes to climb an 1,000 foot multi pitch.

My fear of heights is still inside of me but now there is only a little bit of it left.  

Thursday, September 9, 2010

pie, pie, pie

who likes pie if u do then post a coment if u do not then u do not have to post a coment. I like cherry pie I like blue berry pie I like apple pie I like all kinds of pie exept the pie that has pine-apple in it I do not like that kind because I hate pine-apple and avacados thoughs pies and fruits and vegetabels are very bad taisting in my mouth so say what kind of pie do u like.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

early human tools

Artifacts tell us allot of things about early humans like Homo Erectus, Homo Habalis, Neanderthals, Homo Sapiens and lucy's group of strange creatures. These hominids all used tools but for some of them their tools were their hands and feet (their limbs.)

They tell us what tools they used like they used animal bones for tools. They used them to cook food and to fight with each other. Other tools are used to carve on walls or for hunting animals or for digging burial holes for the dead they also can be used for tenderizing food.

Some tools can be used for painting or sculpturing and others can be used for building huts or carving animal skin off of its body to make clothes or rugs to sleep on or sit on, to cover sharp rocks. They also can be used for some important reasons like to make fire or to burn objects like bones.    

Saturday, August 14, 2010


 I would like to be an Archaeologist because I like to did up things and find new objects in the earth. I also would like to be an Archaeologist because it is the closes thing to a Paleontologist. A Paleontologist studies Dinosaur bones an other prehistoric creatures like the woolly mammoth or mastodon.  A Paleontologists job is a lot like a Archaeologists they dig up bones and Artifacts and they get information by analyzing the bones and artifacts . A Paleontologist and Archaeologist probably did up each others finds Like a Paleontologist probably digs up an artifact or two each day wen they are Out digging and an Archaeologist probably digs up a few dinosaur bones each day they are digging.   


Sunday, August 8, 2010


I love building Lego's and creating houses out of Lego I mainly sleep, play video games, or rock climbing my favorite sport is rock climbing but it is not my favorites sport by far water skiing is also one of my favorite sports. I like to swim and jump on my trampoline I wish I could move my trampoline closer to the pool but my mom and dad will not let me move it closer to the pool. I also like to make vehicles out of mega blocks I also love to collect  transformer toys and my favorite thing to collect is money because every month or two I find money on the ground some where. And those are my hobbies. 

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Hello my name is William and  I live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But before I lived in Malaysia I lived in India for 7 1/2 years. The school I went to is called A.E.S ( American embassy school ). I had allot of friend in India because I had lots of time to make friends and I really got to no my friend well because we used to have play dates all the time one of my best friends was Lorens he was one of the first friends I new we did lots of thing to gather like play soccer and play tag have play dates all most all the time we really were best friends. Another one of my friends was Mechelle. He had a younger sister and two parents. He was five years older that me but we were best friend because our dads new each other very,very well. we lived right next to each other Mechelle's last name was Onerey he was from the U.S.A and Africa so he was an African American. The last day of school at A.E. S was when the Onerey's left and when We left to go to Malaysia!!