My favorite part of this trip was when we saw the fireflies. This was my favorite part of the trip because I liked the setting and the yellow glow of the fireflies. I also like seeing
It was pitch black. The only thing you could see was the moon and its halo around it until we saw a faint glow on something shaped like a tree. soon there was not one glow there was two then three then four and before you knew it there were a hole bunch of yellow glowing things. The yellow glow was fireflies. I knew this because before we got on a boat the guide on the deck told that you will see lots of fireflies on trees on this trip. When there was no fireflies in site I looked up at the moon and pondered why was there a halo around the moon. Me and my group told spooky stories and sometimes Rosie would curl up in a ball and say nothing. The thing that I was most curios about on some trees sometimes were no fireflies. The rest of the trip was good and I liked it allot but the thing that I would do again was seeing the fireflies.