Sunday, January 16, 2011

My profile

In class we are learning about ancient Egypt but our most recent class was about learning what side of the brain that we use. I use my right side of my brain and in my opinion the right side is the creative side.

I learn better when I move around  because I can't sit still because I have A.D.H.D That means attention deficit hyperactive disorder.

I need to not distract anyone because if I do then they will not be paying attention to what is going on in class and then they will have a hard time do the homework or classwork

Some strategies that would help me would be to move to a table that isn't occupied by anyone so that I can move around and not disturb anyone.

I would like my teachers to know that I have A.D.H.D That means attention deficit hyperactive disorder. I want them to know this because if I am moving around then I might get in trouble if they don't know this.  

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Goals and talents

One goal is that I want to be more organized. I am tired of forgetting my stuff, not getting the grades I want because I forget things, and getting yelled at by my mom and dad when I forget things.  They take away things like Facebook and computer games when I don't have what I need.  I will try to be more organized by writing in my planer in every class. Another way I can be more organized is that I can try to get things done right away so I don't have time to forget them.

If I am more organized then I will not be bugged by my parents and I won't feel stressed because I am doing things at the last minute and forgetting things.  I will also be able to have a full planner and know where all of my things are all of the time.

Another goal I have is to get better at guitar.  My dad's friend came at Christmas and can play like he is in a rock band.  I would like to be as good as he is, so I need to practice more and not fight with my dad when he asks me to practice.  I am in after school guitar and band, so I want to also try to join another band.  

If I do this, I will be ready to be a lead player in the band next year.  I will know more about guitar and bass and then maybe practicing won't be so hard for me to do.

On my holidays, I went to India with my family.  We went to where we used to live in Delhi at the American Embassy School.  We met lots of old friends that still live there.  We also visited the orphanage that my sister and I came from.  We also went to the desert to ride camels and see forts.  It was a pretty good trip because sometimes I got bored on long car and train rides.  The dirt and smells surprised me a lot and made me uncomfortable.  It was also really cold because we were in the mountains and the desert and I didn't have enough winter clothes.