Saturday, October 27, 2012

Winner of the International Children's Peace prize

Worldwide, at least 1 billion people are living in poverty. Hundreds of thousands of those people don’t have access to clean food, sanitized water, health care or even an adequate shelter. In the Philippines thousands of impoverished children die everyday due to the lack of health care and disease. Many people have either taken no action or care  little about this situation. Fortunately there is at least one person who is making a difference. Kesz, who won this years Children International Peace Prize. He is one person who has first hand knowledge about life in poverty, as he was a street child himself until the age of seven. Ever since he was rescued he has been making a difference in the life of the street children by teaching them the importance of health care and hope.

Knowing how dangerous life is in a dumpsite,  Kesz teaches the street children the importance of health care because he feels like it is his obligation to help the less fortunate. So many children around the world die unnecessarily and Kesz want to make a change. “Every day 6,000 children die from diseases associated with poor sanitation, poor hygiene.” Kesz wants to save as many of these children by teaching them how to live a healthy life. Making the street children smarter about their health gives the kids a better chance to keep on living. Kesz knows what life on a dumpsite is like. Drinking sewerage water and allowing flies to feast on his festering wounds was once part of Kesz’s life. Today Kesz visits schools to try and prevent what happened to him happening to other kids. “I teach children how to wash hands properly, brush teeth daily, and bathe regularly. And I believe that some of these street children we save will pay the act forward to help champion their own communities” Kesz is following through with his plan to help save the children of the street by showing them how they can keep healthy. Showing them how to look after themselves and giving them knowledge about what they need to avoid disease and death. By paying his lessons forward, Kesz hopes that the street kids will continue to teach his lesson to other street kids and that how to live a healthier life will spread to many other street children. It is not only advise on health that Kesz gives, he has created a charity called ‘Gifts of Hope’.

Having been lucky enough to be rescued, Kesz gives hope to other street kids by giving them gifts they need to survive. Along with the education of health care Kesz also gives the street children gifts of hope to symbolize that they can still survive. “For his seventh birthday, Kesz didn’t want any presents for himself. Instead, he wanted to give something to other street children: Gifts of Hope.” Kesz started his journey with the gifts of hope. He journeys around his hometown giving gifts to the impoverished children.  When Kesz fell into the fire  At the age of five Kesz fell into a fire and suffered severe burns, “looking back, the fire that burned my skin and flesh is the same fire that started a flame in my soul.” The flame in his soul is the part that drives him to carry on with his mission. That flame is made of hope. The hope that inspires him to keep on fighting for the street children. The hope that embraces the street children so they don’t give up.

One billion people living on the streets without knowledge of healthcare and 6 thousand dying every day is what Kesz is striving to change. Today, hundreds of children and adults are helping him with Gifts of Hope. They are trying to make a difference and meet three of the Millennium development goals . To “eradicate extreme hunger and poverty, achieve universal primary education and reduce child mortality.” Kesz is winning - low mortality rates are reducing and the kids in the dumpsites are now better educated and have hope.This cause is a slow but an ongoing process but they can not do it alone, Kesz is an inspiration to children and adults who are working to make this world a better place. If it weren’t for people like Kesz and a handful of others then the rate of child deaths would become greater and greater.