Sunday, February 19, 2012

Germany 1918-1933

What conditions were present that allowed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party to take control of Germany in 1933?
There are quite a a lot of of events that Hitler gave Hitler a great opportunity to take control over Germany. One of those Events was the Hyperinflation and economic crisis that devistated Germany in 1923. Taxes went up and prices for everything soared to an unbelievable amount. That gave Hitler a chance to speak out and overthrough the government but he did so in a violent manner. His actions gave him a 9 month sentence in jail. In Jail Hitler rights a book called "Mein Kamf" or my struggle. In jail Hitlers popularity soared. When Hitler was released he decided to run for presedent. Hitler only receives 2% of Germany's vote. Germany's Weimar Republic was hit hard by the depression that made stocks and markets shut down. The bank was shut down so that they could repay the damage of world war I. American loans to help rebuild the German economy now stopped. As unemployment soared the rate reached nearly 30% in 1932. Since lots of Jews were bankers Hitler decided to use propaganda do set the german people against the Jews. People started listening when Hitler told them that he was going to change his way of running for president without making violent marks. In the next election Hitler gained 33% of Germany's vote making his party go from the 9th largest to the 2nd largest in Germany. The government decided to put Hitler as chancellor of Germany. Shortly after Hitler was appointed chancellor the president died. Hitler then took power and became president of Germany. In 1933 there was the mysterious Reichstag burning Hitler blamed the communists for this burning though in the present day we now think that it was the Nazi's. Hitler ordered that there be no other legal parties except for the Nazi's. After those orders Hitler initiated the Nuremberg laws forcing that there be new Identity cards for Jews and that there be only the marriage of an Arian and an Arian or a Jew and a Jew also that a Jewish doctor was not allowed to operate on an Arian person. Those are just a few of the many Nuremberg laws and now you can se that the rise of the Nazis was through many events of government failure, baking disasters, propaganda and plane luck.

1 comment:

  1. William, this is a good blog post, it shows that you read facts. It definitely gives quite a lot of information about Nazi Germany, and the amount of votes Hitler got, and how they came from the 9th SMALLEST (not largest) to the 2nd largest.
