Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Feudal System

Scribe William

Peasant’s victor and nick

Monk Shin Young

Father Francois you are my honored guest. Please allow me to explain the feudal system before you ask any questions of me. I am but a simple farmer. The feudal system is the transfer of the king down to his vassals. The king will pass down land in exchange for soldiers and military service. As well the vassal’s can then give the land to others for soldiers or military service. Even though the Soldier’s or Vassals are allowed to use the land the land is still owned by the king.

“If you are a soldier for the king and you die in battle what will happen to the land?” If a soldier dies in battle then the land goes back to its previous lord.

“What happens if the Vassal breaks his oath?” If a Vassal breaks his oath the Previous lord can take it back.

“What if the Vassal rebels?” If a Vassal rebels then the lord can duel the Vassal for the land.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Clash of Kings

In 1066 there was a sereis of battles that took place in the eastern and southern parts of England. From these battles there were two mighty kings and a conquering duke. This is a passage that will explain who had the rightful clame to the throne of England.
It all began when King Edward (a very holy man that spent much of his time confessing to god) got very sick. People called King Edward "the confessor". This was his nick-name because he confessed to god a lot. Edward died on the fifth of January 1066. When he died the nobles met in the Witan and agreed that Harold should be King. Harold was crowned on the day that Edward was buried. King Harold was the earl of Wessex that means that he is a member of the nobility and has plenty of rights to be king first He is an earl second he was chosen by the nobles . And in that time when the king died the nobles choice was above all.About 2,000 kilometers away was an unsatisfied King. his name was King Harold Hardrada of Norway. Hardrada was unsatisfied because he thinks that he should be the rightful king. A long time ago
Hardrada's ancestors were the rulers of England that makes him the rightful heir to the throne. So far King Harold has more claims and better reasons but there is still one more person who thinks that they should be king that person is Duke William of Normandy. In 1051 William said that Edward proclaimed him his successor and when Harold was captured by William he took an oath that William will be king. After Harold was crowned William told the pope that Harold is an oath breaker. In that time an oath breaker was basically the worst thing to be called. The word of Harold being an oath breaker quickly spread and gave William more claim to the throne. Over all King Harold and Duke William have the best, and the most powerful claims, but the Duke said that Harold was an oath breaker witch makes him have a powerful claim. I think that Duke William has a more powerful reason because being called an oath breaker is just bad, bad, bad!

Monday, April 2, 2012


At the beginning of the year I witnessed a new person at school. That person was picked on by the more popular kids. they were teasing him, they were calling him names they even physically bullied him. I related to that because I was that kid once. I was the one who got picked on by others but then I met a great friend. All that kid needs is a friend. Having a friend can change someones life for the better. who didn't have any friends. They didn't hang out with anyone, they didn't work with anyone they didn't even talk to anyone when they weren't forced. I reacted as a bystander because i didn't know what to do at the beginning. I should have acted as a friend I could have let them hang out with us I should have.

1.What’s familiar about the incident Eve describes?
After watching a video about exclusion I realize that her story was a lot like mine. The only exception would be that I was a bystander and she was a victim. She has been through it all so have I and so has the boy.
2.What surprised you?
The thing that most surprised me was that the most popular girl in school took her in as a friend. That person had the curage that no one else had.
3. How is ostracism different from other forms of bullying? When does ostracizing or excluding someone from a group become part of bullying?
Ostracism is different because this person who is being excluded doesn't have friends and is a loner. bullying is different because you are included as a friend but you get picked on every once in a wile. Bullying has many things under it exclusion is bullying because bullying means "a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker." in other words it is harming someone using exclusion, abuse, hitting, kicking, name calling, telling bad jokes, attacking etc.