Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Feudal System

Scribe William

Peasant’s victor and nick

Monk Shin Young

Father Francois you are my honored guest. Please allow me to explain the feudal system before you ask any questions of me. I am but a simple farmer. The feudal system is the transfer of the king down to his vassals. The king will pass down land in exchange for soldiers and military service. As well the vassal’s can then give the land to others for soldiers or military service. Even though the Soldier’s or Vassals are allowed to use the land the land is still owned by the king.

“If you are a soldier for the king and you die in battle what will happen to the land?” If a soldier dies in battle then the land goes back to its previous lord.

“What happens if the Vassal breaks his oath?” If a Vassal breaks his oath the Previous lord can take it back.

“What if the Vassal rebels?” If a Vassal rebels then the lord can duel the Vassal for the land.

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