Monday, November 8, 2010


My group discussion helped me by answering questions that were really hard to answer for my group and I.

One main idea was that he had to survive in the woods by himself. This is important because he probably had not been stranded in the woods before alone, and this is the major conflict in the novel. Another main idea would be family problems, because he wants to tell his father that his mom was cheating on him with another man and he can't because he is stuck in the woods. This is important to the novel because it's another one of Brian's major issues.

I had to think about some of the questions in the novel a bit more, like why Brian ate the cherries without taking the pits out. during the discussion we talked a little about why he did what he did and we came up with one answer: he was too hungry to care.

I think that Brian will find his way out of the woods and find his father and tell him about the secret. I also think that he will run into some problems on the way, such as wolves and maybe he will run out of food. Also because it is summer and animals will have young disciples that the mothers will want to protect. Soon it will be autumn and this will cause problems for Brian because it will get colder. 

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