Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Schindler's List

Schindler’s List
What makes a person “heroic?” Does a hero possess certain qualities? Or is a hero defined by his or her actions? Was Schindler a hero?
The traits that would make someone heroic would be to do a good deed for some one. They might have to put there self at risk but they would do it not because they have to because they know that it's the right thing to do. For example a fireman could be heroic just look at what he does. He saves innocent lives and he helps the wounded get out alive. An average person could be your hero. A hero doesn't have to be like superman but a hero has the heart to help people while others will just stand by and watch the show. A hero can also be someone who was a bad person but then did something good that saved many peoples lives. There are many examples of hero types but now I am going to move onto the more important question. Was Schindler a hero? Some of you might be wondering who is Schindler? but I am here to tell you who he is and what he did to become a hero. Oskar Schindler was indeed a hero. He was a member of the Nazi party in World War II just looking for a "fast buck." He hired Jews so that he could make a buck or two. but when he went to one of the concentration camps in Poland he realized that these people should not be treated like this. So Schindler decided to take jews out of camps and hide them. He did this so that they could be able to live. Literally. So in this blog I thing that Schindler was a hero and he did put himself at a huge risk. If he were to have bean caught he might have bean executed or sent to a camp.

1 comment:

  1. This has a lot of detail and reasons I think this a great i think that this should be at least a B+ or more
